swedish chocolate goo cake

It's gooey. It's warm from the oven. It's dusted in sugar. It's crispy and fudgy all at the same time. It's pretty much a circular, underbaked brownie that you get to call cake and can serve for the fanciest meals. In fact, I would like to test the theory that this cake, in all its messy and delicious chocolatey glory, would unravel even the tightest of dinner parties. Pursed lips splitting with laughter, uncomfortably straight backbones swaying with chatter, and previously clasped hands waving with expression. That's how great this brownie-cake is.

The recipe comes from Izy Hossack of Top With Cinnamon, a chef and blogger whom I deeply admire and respect. I appreciate how she is down-to-earth, humorous, and thoughtful all in one. Comparison in this artist world is harsh! In this stage of still hammering out the details, I'm trying to find my own voice and image and style and basically everything. But hey, I guess it took them a long time to find those things too.

Regardless, one thing I know to be true of my style is chocolate. Always chocolate. So forgive me for sharing yet another chocobaby recipe, but I just can't help myself. 

Cheers to unraveling your dinner party in the best way possible. 

Swedish Chocolate Goo Cake
recipe by Izy Hossack

135g unsalted butter
Heaping 1/4 tsp salt
55g cocoa powder
350g sugar
1 tsp vanilla
110g all-purpose flour
3 eggs
Confectioners sugar, for dusting

Preheat your oven to 350F. Line, grease, and flour a 7-inch springform pan (or regular cake pan if that's all you've got). 
Melt your butter and salt in a medium saucepan. Take it off the heat and whisk in the rest of the ingredients until thoroughly incorporated. Pour into the pan and bake for 30 minutes. The center should be gooey, as the name suggests, while the outside is firm. 
Cool the cake in its pan for about 20 minutes, then score the edges and remove from the pan. Dust with confectioners sugar and serve warm!

Note: When I am able, I prefer to weigh my ingredients, as it is more accurate. If you don't have a scale and need metric measurements, please visit Izy's recipe!